On Wednesday 3rd May our students attended Kenyon Hall Farm as part of our 'Wellbeing Wednesday'. Taking part in numerous activities including a plant quiz where students had to match various plants to their plant names and enjoying an Interactive sensory activity . Later in the afternoon our students Learned about cultivating plants and the history of the Farm that has been farmed by the same family since the 1500's! Ending the day with planting a number of Vegetable's in which they will continue to look after and nurture in School.

12th May 2023

In keeping with last weeks Wellbeing Wednesdays trip to Kenyon hall farm, the students have visited again this week and have been continuing to nurture the seedlings planted with an addition of a few more seedlings! We have also received a wonderful donation of two new planters to expand the seedlings too, curtesy of one of our students grandfathers.

As some of you are aware we have introduced class dojo to encourage the students to earn points that can be spent in our new points shop. The students can earn points through acts of kindness, friendship and outstanding work to name a few. We are currently looking to re-stock the points shop after it being emptied after the students redeeming their points last week!

In upcoming news we are looking to introduce an E-Library where the students can access age/class appropriate reading material to strengthen their reading skills. This new E-Library will be able to be accessed both in school and at home, more info on this soon!

22nd May 2023

With this week being the last week of term the students are looking forward to a day out at Crocky trail (Thursday 25th May) so stay tuned for some pictures of the days activities.

The seedling the students have planted look to be well established and are growing quickly and will soon be ready for their new home.